August 11, 2014

Plumbing Info & Tips

For most people, their plumbing is a dark world that only the gifted few can access and understand. However it is not that complicated once you […]
July 10, 2014

Make your Own Drinking Water

Materials.1). Crushed, Dry Clay.2). Organic material (tea leaves, cofffee grounds, or rice hulls).3). Water.4). Cow Manure.Unfortunately it is fact that the majority of the civilised world’s […]
June 15, 2014

Water Heating

Immersion heating is a way of providing hot water for a property. It works by fitting a heating element or elements to the inside of a […]
May 5, 2014

Sink Blockage

Sometimes your sink or bath can begin to drain slower than usual. This could indicate that there must be a blockage somewhere in the waste pipe. […]